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Our Latest Editions
We publish monthly, on this page you will find our most recent publications as well as links for buying them.
A New Ulster Issue 130
This edition features work by. John Brantingham, Lydia Mitchell, Alessio Zanelli, Pawel Markiewicz, Antony Owen, Dan Murphy, Anne Mac Darby-Beck, Marie C Lecrivain, Terry Brinkman, Evita Arakelian and Louis Efron
A New Ulster Issue 129
The September edition of A new Ulster featuring George Freek, Fadrian Bartley, Myfanwy Hughes, Sangita Kansal, Jennifer Horgan, Edward Lee, Fabrice Poussin. R.W. Haynes. Michael Boyle, Gavin Bourke, Siobhan Abrahams and Edgar Rider
A New Ulster Issue 128
FEATURING THE CREATIVE TALENTS OF Saeed Salimi Babamiri & Sěrko Běkas , Barbara Anna Gaiardoni & Andrea Vanacore, Gavin Bourke, Sreekanth Kopuri, Martin Boyle, Finlay McQuade, Kenneth Hickey, Patrick Flynn, Massimo Fantuzzi and Rosina Buck
A New Ulster Issue 125
Issue 125 of A New Ulster Featuring the work of Michael Lee Johnson, Gary Beck, Terrence Sykes, Patrick Wright, Jim Sanders, Charlie Brice, Gracie Jones, Kevin McManus, Jacquie Bryson, Emily Bryson, Scott Waters and Richard W Halperin .
A New Ulster Issue 124
ANU124 This edition features work by. Stewart Quinn, Danny Barbare, Eugene O'Brien, Gavin Bourke, Sandra Hosking, Ruqayyah Aderbigbe, H.K.G. Lowery, Michael Moreth, Vyacheslav Konoval , Patrick Cassidy, Ed Lyons, Sangita Kansal and David McVey
A New Ulster Issue 123
ANU 123 This edition features work by. Terry Brinkman, Sangita Kansal, Joseph A Schiller, Darragh Coady, Lulu Sinnott, Vin Mc Cullagh, Pawel Markiewicz, Halyna Budilova, Eithne Cullen and Erin Jamieson
This edition features work by. Richard W Halperin, Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon, Mary Lee, Jorge Leiva Ardana, Aaron Coates, David Hale, Courtney Hilden, Patrick Cassidy, John Liddy and Erin Gaura
A New Ulster Issue 121
This edition features work by Joseph Murphy, Michaël Boyle, Gavin Bourke, Saeed Salimi Babamiri, Alisa Velaj, Enda Boyle, Patricia Kamradt and Fiona Sinclair
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