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Welcome to the home page of A New Ulster - Northern Ireland's finest monthly non-profit literary and arts e-zine!


Founded in October 2012, ANU has readers and contributors worldwide. A hybrid product following in the footsteps of The Honest Ulsterman and Fortnight magazine, we work closely with local writers as well as talented artists from around the world. Our policy is one of inclusiveness not exclusiveness; art for the people. Submissions are open to everyone, however the Editors have final say to the content used. Links to the e-zine are provided on this website - just click on the relevant section. Printed copies are available as Print On Demand only, via PEECHO.


Small But Important Print:

A New Ulster is published using the following fonts: Baskerville Oldface & Times New Roman. The e-zine is produced in Northern Ireland.

All Rights Reserved - the artists featured in this e-zine have reserved their rights under Section 77 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the authors of their work. A New Ulster makes no claim to the ownership or Copyright of works that are submitted to it or to any revenue that may be earned elsewhere by said works, and is not responsible for the views, actions, or inactions of any contributor or reader, now or ever.

ISSN 2053-6119 (Print)
ISSN 2053-6127 (Online)

An imprint of this magazine can be found at the British Library and any university or platform which can access that service.



Editor Amos Greig BA (hons) Ancient History and English: 


"I deliberately chose to call this journal A New Ulster. I have been involved in the cultural soul of Northern Ireland since 1993 and involved in the poetry world from 1988 when I designed the logo for Lapwing Publications. The name reflects the changes that I have witnessed since then and the aspirations for a better tomorrow. I wanted to create something that was inclusive, accepting and open to everyone, at the same time I wanted to pay homage to the work that had come before us.


One of the hardest roles for an editor is choosing what to use in an issue, what order to use them in and what format to use. Every poem, every piece of artwork that I receive is treated with proper care and respect. I am careful not to abuse that trust placed in me by the writers I work with. Not every piece makes it into the journal sometimes because of space sometimes because the writer has asked for it to be withdrawn and rarely a piece just does not sit well. A New Ulster is open to everyone to contribute towards. While every ship needs a helmsman and a captain, I see this as a group venture with myself at the helm.


I still see A New Ulster as a journal that will act as a reflection of the changing times in which we live in and grant you the reader a doorway into other worlds of the imagination. With this step into the mind's eye we can visit wistful vistas and turn the mundane into the surreal. We are ultimately a publication aimed at reaching as many people as possible, sharing poetry, fiction and art with everyone no matter their creed or culture. The poets and artists whose works make up this issue span the global compass each uses their talent for catharsis, exploration or liberation. I like to think that I share a similar vision to James Simmons when he wrote in Issue One of The Honest Ulsterman:


"I hope this magazine gets into the hands of school children and the so-called man in the street..." (James Simmons)


Simmons saw the youth of the time as the means of securing a better future for Ulster: as editor he worked with the tools available to him and I plan to do the same thing with this journal. I can take advantage of digital distribution to get poetry out there. It is my hope that this magazine becomes a bastion, a rallying cry for future writers, thinkers and doers. Each avalanche begins with a single snow flake and this represents my contribution. We all represent islands in the sea of humanity, around us nations teeter and societies struggle with identity and change. Members of societies use art in one form or another as a release from their struggles, to express personal experiences, losses or to experiment with structure and form."




Assistant Editor & Senior Alleycat Arizahn:


"I'm just the one who sorts out the website and deals with trolls. We don't get many of the latter, but they're delicious toasted!"


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